I have no idea how much recollection Andrew will have of this time in his life. If he were only able to recall one or two things I am guessing it would be trips to Target with his parents.

A couple of mornings Kelly has found Andrew spun 180 degrees from where he began. She said placed him with his head toward the window and in the morning found his feet in that position. Andrew has also been practicing his time on his tummy. He is trying harder than ever to roll over. If his frustration is any

Drew has also been hanging out with a few of his friends these past couple of weeks. We all went up to the Alexis, Abby and Brianna's place two weekends ago.

Hope to post again soon.
Hi Guys
Andrew, You get cuter everyday. Your smile is the BEST. Miss you and love you lots.
XXXOOO Grandma
Andrew, you are too cute.
Love, Grandma
Just posting.
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