Hey all! Sorry it's been so long between posts. I know my seven loyal viewers have been itching for more pictures of Andrew. However, as is usual with most of us, life caught up to all three of us this summer and we seemed to have more on our plates than normal. For Andrew, the past few weeks have been filled with visits to and from: aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, doctors (standard two month checkup), friends, and even the occasional contractor bidding a roof for the house. These past few weeks have also brought with them, visits to daycares, church, and a trip to both mom's and dad's school.

Mom and Andrew have also been perfecting the art of bath-time.

Andrew loves the bathwater and seems to have a good time while mom sings and talks with him. I used to believe that both Kelly and I were more in love with the duckie bath towel than Andrew, but he seems to be liking it more and more. But as I was saying, bath-time is typically filled with laughter, singing, a little splashing and a healthy dose of good-times.
Andrew has also been hanging out with his cousins. Logan and Andrew

get together from time to time allowing aunt Julie a chance to hang on to a baby as compared to chasing after hers. Andrew has also been getting together with Peter, Ryan and Katlyn. Grandma and grandpa Baron's living room seem to be the hot spot for hanging out. Occasionally it looks like a small tornado has passed through when all four cousins have been in, but everyone seems to be having a great time.

Andrew even got the chance to be fed by his cousin Katie this weekend.
Andrew also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to grandma Fasching for taking the time out of her schedule to hang out this week while mom and dad went to work. On day three of the mom and dad going to work experiment, Andrew got to visit both mom and myself at work. We just hope he had as much fun as everybody else did. Rumor has it, he was a bit hit at both schools.
Andrew has also been doing

several public service events. Most notably, he has been coaching grandpa Baron through nap time. Now I know this doesn't sound like the most earth shattering of public service endeavors, but we decided to start small and work our way up.
Today Andrew was baptized at St. Michael's. We had a number of family members come and take part in the service. God-parents: Sara, Don, and Julie were all wonderful sponsors. Andrew wanted to take special care to say thank you for all you did to make today special.

We also wanted to take this chance to mention how much we appreciate all of the food, chairs, tables, and refridgerator space given to us to make today's event so successful. Thanks for coming back to celebrate with us.
Andrew, mom and dad
1 comment:
Hi Andrew and Mom and Dad
We were all blessed in one way or another with your arrival. I love checking up on you with your blog. Grandpa and I love you (and mom and dad) very much and can't wait to see you again. Will see you on destruction weekend.
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