Grandma and Grandpa Oldenburg also stopped over and got the chance to talk with and hold him.
Grandma and Grandpa Fasching also stopped by and helped out a lot on Monday. The garden and house look great. Andrew, mom and I all want to say thank you for all you do!
Aunt Julie and cousin Logan also stopped over and dropped off some cute (okay, studly) outfits for Andrew.
Aunt Sara and cousins Peter and Ryan also came over and made sure all of Andrew's toys were play tested. This is a very important job as we don't want Andrew playing with any faulty toys.

This last weekend was about making new friends as well. He was able to spend some quality time with his friends Abby and Brianna.

Andrew also took another shot at getting to know Murphy. Both parties are still curious and not completely sure what the other one does.
We hope to post again soon. Maybe even this time it will be faster than five days so Mr. Adams doesn't have to keep asking, "When's the next post?!?"
Talk to you all soon,
Andrew and Family.
Ha ha I made your post again. K-Nas can't say that. Glad to hear that Andrew is doing much better. How is Kelly doing? Does she know how to make pie?
Anyway see you next time. Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.
Andrew has such a tight social calendar. I hope he will be able to fit me in soon! The boys and I would love to visit again soon at your place or ours. Talk to you soon!!
Everybody is welcome to drop by anytime. Photo-opts are free.
Hi Andrew ( and mom and dad)
Had so much fun with you last weekend. Can't wait till you can come up and go fishing and pontooning. I know grandpa needs a caddy too. Be a good boy and make sure mommy says grandma Mary at leat 5 times a day.
XXXOOO Grandma
Kevin, You and Andrew must watch and cheer for the Twins today! :) They must come back from Chicago with one win. I'm glad to hear the healthy updates.
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