Yes, it has been a while. School is keeping us busy. Andrew is growing so fast. It is hard to believe that he is 5 months old. He is so cute, rolling over, smiling and giggling all the time. He started cereal about 2 weeks ago. I even gave him some sweet potatoes last night. After one funny expression, he realized that, "Hey, these are good!" and continues to eat them up!

He seems to be growing out of his car seat! I remember when he seemed to small for the seat. He is filling it out nicely. This picture was taken in September when he went to the Minnesota Zoo with the girls. Yes, all of our friends have girls. We went with 7 girls. He enjoyed it all!
Who can resist taking a picture of a sleeping baby???

So, he finally realized that the TV was interesting. I had to get a picture, and then tell him, "No TV!!" He can seem to spot it from anywhere in the room.

He loves this little Hop 'n' Pop. He sits so nicely in it. He can stare out the window, or at Kevin and me. (Just not the tv!)

Learning to stand on his own! Ok, so Kevin was helping a bit!

We love hanging out with dad!
One of my new favorites! Thanks Katri for the pea pod hat! We love it!!