Hey everybody, I know it's been a while. This month has brought with it some great times with family and friends. Our last post informed you of Andrew's baptism and the party that ensued. The following week it was time to tear-down the old shed and build a new one in its place. This was a large job as the building we were replacing had rotted out

and was beyond repair. So, what were we to do you ask. We brought in our very own team of professional home improvement do-it-yourselfers. All three grandpa's, uncles Donny and Jimmy, and even some of his cousins lent a hand. It was an all day project and our whole family

was very thankful for all of the help everyone was willing to offer. The sideline coaching was also a great deal of help as the day went on.
The next week gave us our first look at daycare. Andrew attended for two days, and by all accounts seemed to enjoy the experience.

I can say that drop-off was a bit tough on the first day. Not for Andrew per se, but rather for dad. Mary (our daycare provider) stated that Andrew likes being around the other children and has no problem letting her know when he needs to be fed. She stated that they had a great day and was looking forward to seeing him on a regular basis.

I just don't know that mom and dad are ready for that right now.
This month Andrew also hosted his first backyard grill-out. Some of dad's co-workers came up and brought their families with them.

We had a good time, and only minor injuries were incurred. Andrew wanted to thank everyone for coming out.
Andrew has also had multiple visits from family and friends that he had not yet met.

Mom's dear friend from her childhood met Andrew for the first time a week or two ago. Stefanie has two boys named Ryan and Brandon. Both were happy to be meeting Andrew for the first time.
Andrew also got

to meet one of his great uncles and two great aunts this month.

Barb, Doug and Lisa were all able to stop in and see Andrew for the first time. Jarrod, Olivia, and Calvin also stopped in to meet him as well. And as usual he took it all in stride...right up to the point where he became hungry. At that point all pleasantries are off, and we need a bottle!

Hopefully the next posting isn't as far between as the

last two were, but I say that every time. This time I know I am shooting for the moon because both mom and dad are preparing for the beginning of school, but I will try my best to get one out around the first weekend in September.