Well, summer is half over and Andrew continues to get bigger all the time. We have been busy playing, playing and more playing.
Here is a picture of Andrew playing in a water table he got for his birthday. He loves splashing around and Murphy really wants a drink! I am sure there are a few tennis balls in there for him!

Having fun riding on a motorized 4-wheeler. He pushes the button and moves in short spurts. Soon he will be tearing up the backyard!

It's so much fun to crawl into little places!
Andrew has learned to throw the ball to Murphy. Andrew gets a kick out of it when Murphy gets close enough with the tail to tickle his face!

Kevin went into the fridge and Andrew followed. We watched him to see what he would do. Apparently, I don't feed him enough! A little hungry for some parmesan cheese and watermelon. He actually reached up and grabbed his mild and some cantelope!

Caught red handed!

Andrew loves looking at books. He will get quiet all of a sudden, and when I check on him, this is what he is doing!

What a cutie!!